The new prestigious Aisher House at Sevenoaks School boarding house project led by Tim Ronalds Architects has picked up two awards this year from RIBA – for both the South East and National.
The new building is split into three pavilions and bespoke Keymer ceramic tiles were developed for the new building’s façade. They form an unusual T-shape to allow a varied visual appearance.
Read the full story here
Keymer- Old Meets New – Premium Hand Made Clay – Hosted by Christine Leadbeater (UK Keymer Sales Manager) and Nigel Dyer (UK Heritage Services Manager).
The history of English architecture is intertwined with the use of clay tiles with varying periods of popularity. This CPD looks at the roots of traditional heritage roofing and then moves forward to consider the modern day challenges associated with heritage roofing and product selection. The course highlights how designers can recognise potential issues and minimise the risk of damage associated with heritage roofing.
We’re proud to be sponsoring the new Sustainable Heritage Awards which advocates the best new design skills being used in upgrading old buildings or adapting them for new uses in a changing environment.
Our congratulations go to Maccreanor Lavington on winning both the RIBA London Award 2022 and RIBA National Award 2022.
The new prestigious Aisher House at Sevenoaks School boarding house project led by Tim Ronalds Architects has picked up two awards this year from RIBA – for both the South East and National.
wienerberger are proud sponsors of “the best use of concrete and clay tiles for a domestic project” category.
his year, Mole Valley proudly celebrates the 30th anniversary of Heritage Open Days, a milestone that highlights three decades of community engagement and cultural preservation. This annual event offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich historical and cultural tapestry of the district, with free access to a variety of sites, including historic buildings, beautiful gardens and sites that are typically closed to the public.
Control of Condensation – Hosted by Christine Leadbeater (UK Keymer & Heritage Manager) & Nigel Dyer (UK Heritage Services Manager).
This seminar examines how to control and avoid excessive condensation from building up, within a roof structure, by providing passive airflow from the outside of a building and by limiting airflow from within the living spaces.
Control of Condensation – Hosted by Christine Leadbeater (UK Keymer & Heritage Manager) & Nigel Dyer (UK Heritage Services Manager).
This seminar examines how to control and avoid excessive condensation from building up, within a roof structure, by providing passive airflow from the outside of a building and by limiting airflow from within the living spaces.